Staying Safe In The Rain: 8 Ways To Drive In The Rain

When it rains on the side of the road, most drivers feel that they have an inopportune need to drive cautiously. To make things more complicated, the way rain falls makes driving in different weather conditions harder for some drivers than it is for others. Take a look at these 8 tips and work them into your personal strategy for staying safe in the rain.. More…

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Towing & Roadside Assistance

We tow vehicles from the street or highway to our convenient location where they are safely parked until they are serviced.
Our equipment is top-of-the-line and we provide 24/7 roadside assistance for all our customers in Edmonton and surrounding areas.


  • 6210 30 Street Northwest, Edmonton, Alberta T6P 1J7, Canada
  • 2662 62 Ave NE, Leduc County, Edmonton, AB T4X 3A4, Canada
  • (780) 450-3139
  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week